Saturday, August 14, 2010

Bioshock infinite the floating city

As some of the bioshock fans or gamers in general should know that bioshock has been one of 2ks best franchises to hit stores first there was bioshock,where you would play as a man who got in a plane accident and became the sole survivors and accidently goes into the city of rapture.and eventually you get all these powers to help you get out of this crazy underwater city.Now as most of you know bioshocks icon the big daddy was one of the enimies you had to face and evetually you actually became one in bioshoc towards the end,but lets not forget every icon has a shadow.Yes you should know what im talking about the little sisters.As bioshock fans should know litte sisters are the main reason why big daddy are around.Without a little sister big daddies would die,you will hear the reason later.There were to ending to bioshock,in one you would be the hero and save all the little sister and cure them and they would be another one where you absorb them all and use there power to escape rapture and go on a rampage.

Know as bioshock 2 came out it made a big impact on bisohock fans.Itshowed how rapture was ten years ago before bioshock 1.You basically play as a big daddy prototype and you get your little sister takin away from you from some sicotic woman that thinks all big daddies are evil.As in the first one you got powers and gadgers,but in this one you got even more.Now one of the most big things about bioshock was that the even added a new character called the big sisiter(how ironic).she would basically try and kill you throughtout the game but some how you manage to survive.Also as in bioshock 1 there were two endings you would find you little sister thats now 16 and u would escape from rapture with her and she would absorb you because you are dying and the other ending was that she would absorb you for the good of evil.The ending werent really clear to me ,but whatever.
Then there is bioshock infinit also bioshock 3. as you can se from the teaser this is gonna be a good game(I will post the linkto the trailer at the end of the blog).Even thought its just a teaser this looks like some crazy stuff is going on. once you see the trailer IT WILL BLOW YOUR MIND.Their not much to say about it else exept its coming out in 2012(waht a long time).so any way,feel fre to whoever reads it and post your comments and thought on bioshock,bioshock 2 and bioshock infinte.The link to the trailer:http://

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