Monday, July 26, 2010

INfamous 2 thoughts

Hello gamers of the world recently we have benn hearing alot about infamous 2.As you may know sucker punch has given cole a new look.but recently sucker punch announced they have changed cole back to his original self.This was caused by the high demand and the reaction of infamous fans that didnt like the new look.I think the new cole looked better in some ways but not all.the voice acting from what i have heard cole sound worse. I think the first voice acter was great and he should be in the 2nd one as well.Even zek coles fat slob of a sort of side kick/bad cop look.As ive seen in game informer he looks muscular now and he can free run like cole can(as rumored in the new trailer in comic con).so what may be your thought on inFAMOUS 2 post your comment below and give me your thoughts.bye-bye 4 NoW!?!?